Lice Elimination: Get Them Out!
3 easy steps!
Step 1:
Ladibugs Mint serum is a pesticide-free product for head lice elimination.
Shake well and apply to dry hair. Let sit in hair for 15 minutes.
Step 2:
Ladibugs Mousse is a pesticide-free product for nit and egg elimination.
Apply to hair by working thoroughly into scalp. Let sit for 5 minutes. Reapply Mousse and wait an additional 5 minutes. Do not wash out.
Step 3:
Ladibugs Lice Comb is for the removal of lice and nit debris.
After using Ladibugs Mint Serum and Mousse,
comb through hair thoroughly. Here are our follow-up instructions.
Watch our comprehensive How-To Video to see how easy it is!
Safe for the entire family!
Ladibugs Lice Comb
Uses a layer of precise, stainless steel, and spiral-grooved teeth. It works effectively to remove both lice and nits, creating less drag on the hair while combing. Metal handle with grip ridges help with control when hands are slippery during lice treatment comb out.

We also offer a full line of lice prevention products.
Safe for your entire family!