Parents have always needed to get alert on those nasty nits which have got a habit of striking kids when they are in school. Nits have become major headaches for most of the families, rather with the recent increase in the percentage of the survey done for Lice Attack School Gates has made this subject to be a talk of the town. To beat the bugs a community which is concerned for hygiene has been holding a National Bug Busting Day on 31st January, 15th June and 31st October. Bug Busting Day is entitled to be an educational programme that heads to louse detection. It not only delivers the whole school approach but also reforms with some information and a special bug busting kit in order to help the parents to detect and eliminate the bugs or lice.
None of the parents have ever managed to escape the dreaded hand out of school that announces that there has been an outbreak of head lice and they are suggested to keep a check on their kids’ hair. It is a kind of scourge for the kids and their parents but surprisingly they can deal with this problem very easily if they know the right course of action.
As 31st January, 15th June & 31st October heralding as the National Bug Busting Day; the hygiene community is keen for all parents and schools to take some serious steps to eradicate lice.
National Bug Busting Day: One may not be aware of this special day but the problem of head lice continues to be an ongoing issue for everyone and is been highlighted recently as the major cause of concern. National Bug Busting Day celebration is recommended by the health department and is emphasised as it is an educational programme organized for head lice detection and treatment.
Though this programme is held on three special dates but it is recommended to follow the National Bug Busting Day round the year and the participants should come from both the side school as well as parents. The united action of both will prevent the lice circulating and if all the cases are identified and treated well and successfully then at the same time only fewer opportunities will be left for lice to circulate amongst the children and the families.
If you are able to draw the attention of as much as people as you can and bring in maximum participation from most of the schools and parents on this National Bug Busting Day; you will definitely see a mark decreased in the number of infestation of head lice.