Summer is Here and So Are Lice: Preventative Measures and Treatment Options for Head Lice Infestation

Head lice make no plans to take vacations from our heads during the summer months. Rather, spring and summer are perfect times for these opportunist pests to pounce. While kids change social circles–from school to summer activities–head lice look to hitch a ride along! Ladibugs offers chemical free head lice treatment throughout Minneapolis and the Twin… Read more

Help your Family Prevent Head Lice

Help your family prevent head lice by following some tips we gave our friends at WCCO this morning.   Edward Moody from WCCO, stopped over (along with Dave) to our Hopkins head lice center location to learn a few tips on how to prevent head lice. Christina demonstrated how our FDA cleared medical device works and… Read more

Heading Back-to-School Head Lice Free

  Back-to-school is the time of the year where parents need to be aware of head lice. As kids go back to school, they may be bringing home more in their backpacks than their school books this September. They’re creepy, they’re crawly and they’re much more than an inconvenience. Ask any parent who has ever… Read more

A Mom Blogger Found a Cure to Head Lice

Hearing someone say “Head Lice” makes everyone itch! But we love to prevent and fight head lice and we love even more when we read reviews about our products. Earlier in February, Rebecca Woolf, author of Girl’s Gone Child, wrote a great review on our head lice preventation Mint Spray. Girl’s Gone Child is a blog… Read more